Sumps collect water and contaminates to control surface-level runoff, allowing for more efficient collection and disposal.  While different systems may use different dewatering — or water removal — processes, using an installed sump pumping dewatering is one of the most popular options. Sump pumps move collected water from the sump’s pit once its valves sense a sufficient level of liquid to warrant removal, but because sumps are in low spaces below the surface, removing the runoff from the sump requires specialized tools.  Pumps force water to a connected drainage system through its discharge line which can also be used to recharge aquifers.

At Gator Pump, we specialize in providing the right dewatering solution to different sumps and wastewater runoff collection systems. Learn more about dewatering methods for different situations.


Wastewater Runoff Prevention

One of the biggest sources of wastewater is storm surges from rainfall. Municipal drains are designed to direct runoff through drainage systems in established urban and suburban areas, but stormwater finds the path of least resistance through farms, industrial areas, and active construction sites. This poses a significant problem for ongoing excavation and building projects where the site may act as an unwilling sump. The right dewatering techniques can ensure excess levels of water are pumped away from dig sites, basements, and other below-grade constructions vulnerable to runoff. For dewatering in construction, our low sump pumps can be temporarily or permanently installed at construction sites to prevent flood damage and make trench dewatering simple.

Sludge Dewatering

Sludge is the partially solid slurry of waste and contaminants that municipal water facilities remove from wastewater before reintroducing the water to the system. Because sludge contains high levels of moisture, it’s heavy and expensive to transport. Filter presses can dewater the sludge to remove excess water and leave behind lighter, compressed sludge that municipalities can more effectively move and dispose of. Benefits of sludge dewatering include:

  • Decreased waste management costs
  • Reduced space and power requirements
  • Lower risk of spilling or leakage during transportation

Mine Tailings Dewatering

Mines generate a lot of waste and contaminants during their extraction processes. This waste, called tailings, is made up of metal, crushed rock, petroleum-based additives, and other acids that combine with processing water. Left untreated, tailings can contaminate the surrounding area by seeping into the groundwater and making the area unsafe for people and living creatures. Traditionally, tailing slurry is contained through tailings dams in tailings ponds, where the contaminants sit. This containment method is only temporary, however, especially if fresh loads of tailings are continually added to the ponds and there’s no ongoing maintenance. 

Mine tailings containment systems need continual groundwater dewatering to keep water levels low enough for safe containment. Dewatering filtration systems can also help with safe containment and disposal while reducing the space needed to store wet, unfiltered tailings. Ultimately, high-quality tailing ponds built to the standards of an important asset rather than a short-term waste containment project will be required to protect communities and wilderness from the effects of mine tailings.

Fly Ash Dewatering

Coal-fired power stations generate a lot of waste through their power generation processes, and one of the most voluminous byproducts is coal ash. There are two types of coal ash that facilities need to manage and safely dispose of: fly ash, which is made up of residual particulate matter combined with flue gases; and bottom ash, which is ash residue that cannot combust. 

Ash ponds separate large pieces of residue from wastewater. These suspended solids are then collected. Unfortunately,, many ash ponds do not fully prevent the contaminants from seeping into surrounding groundwater systems. Since 2014, American coal-fired power plants have been required by the EPA to contain those coal combustion products (CCPS) in ash ponds and other disposal sites that adhere to minimal structural requirements, including leak management and monitoring, better pit linings, and better-built lagoons for impoundments storage. Low sump pumps can help facilitate better manage the movement of water and slurry to containment pits and ponds.

Excavation and Pit Dewatering From Gator Pump

At Gator Pump, we provide industrial-strength solutions for mining sites, municipal water systems, coal-fired power plants, and other sites with heavy-duty sump pump requirements. Contact us today to learn more about our high-powered solutions for managing water and contaminant containment, or request a quote to start your order.

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